Thursday, June 4, 2009

Assessing the social impacts of invasive animals in australia

Source: Invasive Animals CRC
"The case study of the Upper Hunter Valley in New South Wales set out to identify, understand, and possibly quantify the social impacts of invasive animals in an area with a typical range of land uses. We found that in the Upper Hunter region, wild dogs, foxes, feral pigs and rabbits, and to a lesser extent, feral goats and carp are seen as the main pest animals. In practice, only wild dogs, foxes and feral pigs currently seem to be causing concern for local landowners and resource managers. For the most part, the effects of pest animals in the Upper Hunter region are economic and environmental. Such effects include stock and pasture loss, biodiversity loss and vehicle accidents involving invasive animals. Most of the social impacts of pest animals in this region therefore seem to flow out of the economic and environmental impacts."